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Forum Admin

47 Posts

Posted - 05 October 2004 :  10:05:26 PM  Show Profile

Dear Friends,

In the last two months, we have received over a thousand entries for our ask noori section. But we�re sorry to say that we have been pretty disappointed with the kind of questions we have been asked (we guess that�s why there has been a delay in answering these questions!).

Disappointed we are because, sadly, very few people seem to have read the guidelines for posting their questions. And even if they did read these guidelines, even fewer have actually paid attention to them. Almost 80% of the entries we have received have been questions about the release of the new album, our hairstyles, our relationships, and where and when we will be performing next� It was clarified beforehand that such questions shall NOT be entertained!

Some people, instead of asking questions, posted comments. Though some of them were quite interesting, this was not the right place! You had the entire discussion forum to do so.

And then there were some who went beyond all limits of decency and posted absolute crap!

We know that we can�t stop you guys from writing whatever you feel like (computers are not humans), but do remember that by posting useless questions, comments etc., you are not only wasting yours and our time, but also filling up web-space. If one day, the website crashes because of this reason, then you are to blame, not us!

Keeping all this in mind, the policies (guidelines) for the ask noori section have been altered. The most important change being that only one question shall be answered per month, which will also be the �Question of the Month�. For your ease we are also pasting the ask-noori guidelines in this post. Please read through them carefully before posting your questions. We hope that people will become more responsible in asking us reasonable and interesting questions, keeping in mind the guidelines set for asking questions.

Thanks and regards,



In order for the band to answer a question to the following terms and conditions apply:

1. Only one question per person may be asked in a month. In case of a question being chosen for answering, your particulars shall be verified and only authentic email addresses entertained.

2. The band will answer ONLY ONE question in a month, which shall be chosen as the �Question of the Month�.

3. The questions that will be answered shall be chosen on the basis of uniqueness, originality and of being in the universal interest of noori audience and fans.

4. Questions of a personal nature will not be answered.

5. Frivolous questions, questions that have already been answered, and questions for which answers are available within the website shall NOT be entertained.

Examples are:
� When is your new album coming out?
� When are you getting a hair cut?
� Which of your parents do you love more?
� Who is your girlfriend?

6. Original, new, and clearly phrased questions have a higher chance of being answered (please save us the hassle of editing your questions to make them sound right!).

7. Personal comments, even if they are very interesting, shall NOT be entertained at all.

8. Use of bad language and remarks about the band and their personal lives are strictly prohibited. Serious action can be taken in case of such entries!

9. Questions will only be answered, if all the particulars have been completed in the submission form.

10. If your question is selected, then the management will verify the information you have provided along with the question you asked. This verification shall be made via an email sent to you on the address you submitted in the form. Your question will only be answered upon verification.

11. On verification, along with posting your question (and its answer) on the website, we will also send you a personalized reply from the band on your personal email address.

12. For the person whose question is chosen as the Question of the Month, the band will mail to him/her, a personalized video message as a gesture of appreciation. This video message might take up to 1 MB of space. Therefore it is recommended that you give us that email address which can receive such a heavy file.

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