Just within a year of coming out, noori has become one of the biggest success stories of the popular music scene in Pakistan. Starting from developing a highly interactive rapport with their fan base all the way to becoming one of the most prolific live acts within Pakistan, noori seems to have made the best out of every opportunity availed in a budding Pakistani music industry. They have been dubbed as "the voice of the new generation" and are considered to be a highly innovative and enterprising group of people.

The word 'noori', if translated literally, means "that which is made of light". It is on this very premise that the band was conceived. The driving force behind noori is the need to discover newer truths about life, throughout life. To grow and keep growing at all times. The band comprises of four highly talented individuals who are not just musicians, but at times video makers, web designers and even legal consultants. It is because of these diversified skills that noori's individuality is nurturing towards finesse.

noori's music is fresh and versatile. The band endeavors to effectively communicate a sense of vigor, zeal and passion for life amongst the younger generation. Their debut album, Suno Ke Main Hun Jawan, talks on these very lines. In this direction, noori has been able to create a very friendly bond with their audience, and the level of involvement of noori fans is something that has never been witnessed in a country like Pakistan.