noori vBlog #5 - noori announces album, releases ‘Tann Doley’
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You guys rock
i cant wait for the new album 

hopefully nothing goes wrong this time and the album comes out on time Inshallah
Best of luck !
oh and congrats to Ali Hamza on his wedding!
SWEEETTTTTTTTTTTTT!!!! Aahhh now i cant waiat for September to come =P
Oh wow n Good Luck to you Guys ..

i wish i cud skip the Aug n get directly to the Sep
i am waiting for your dis album badly
Please also arrange ur concert here in FSD .. !!!
good to hear that there is going to be a “volume 3″ in the noori world productions….been waiting a long time for it…keep it up guys and make us proud of our music
hey, im a big fan of ures. September is about to end. when are uu guys going to release the album?