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 Fans That Give Nightmares (Spider.TM)

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
n4noaman Posted - 04 December 2004 : 6:52:39 PM
This Is A Picture From The Monthly Internet Magazine SPIDER check it. ......
14   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
n4noaman Posted - 09 December 2004 : 01:33:46 AM
i think the band baja writer did the review and she praised the blog at band baja how unprofessional.
Mobeen Posted - 07 December 2004 : 9:55:13 PM
Abay Minhas.. what the hell did you just do? You removed your site like that? I checked it out..Come on dude.. You shouldn't let this small yet unfair review get you down like that.. and what counts is, you got a mail from Hamza (as you said in your post in groupie chitchat- you have to yet show the mail) and he supported you! If I was in your shoes, or better else any Noori fan, I'd rather work on the site until the critics change their minds.. Dude.. get the site back..

Anyway, coming to the topic, as someone said its rather unfair on spider's part, but the site needed to be worked on somehow..but dude... you shouldn't have shut it down..
eddi3 Posted - 07 December 2004 : 5:48:45 PM
i dun think so that nooristan is that bad
but the thing is that it isnt that gud either!
its justy ok
and offcourse, being a webdesigner, i must say that the colour combinations but be corrected!
After all, fanz need support and positive criticisism.
Spider criticised positivley nd thats gud!
hey Minhas, do sumthing with the colour theme!
and im always here to help :)
Delicious Posted - 07 December 2004 : 11:14:43 AM
for example check (used to be by dezyre) and it was worse than noori club, while noori club is a bit nice. so my dear dezyre it doesnt look good to speak like this when you cant make something yourself, if you have any braincells left you might remmebr your site noori4life was a lame site with black back and yellow pink and green text. and unjustified pictures and bad quality data.
Delicious Posted - 06 December 2004 : 8:47:11 PM
haha nice! but i dont think this is fair on spidey's part
and wow do i see some real jealous people commenting haha!
dont worry minhas, these people can only comments and dont
have any **** in them to do something, but still, funny
owaisahmad Posted - 06 December 2004 : 09:52:09 AM
And i dont think there is any thing wrong with that review as well. If you aren't a good web-designer, u dont need to create a site at first place. but if ure such a huge fan, get some help by friends, so that it looks good atleast. Nobody will re-visit a site if it has no appeal or no new stuff/media for downloads. So everybody should be open to receive all kinds of comments :-)
isk Posted - 05 December 2004 : 9:11:48 PM
now whats wrong with the background???????

y cant we appreciate the effort put into it
and i think its perfectly alrite
and about the color theme
well if u see the album cover it also consists of these three colors

well what can i say
we all r here to criticize
not to blame anyone
dezyre Posted - 05 December 2004 : 8:52:21 PM
how come they dint mention anything about the awful cut and the awful background?
abrasive Posted - 05 December 2004 : 5:24:05 PM
I am not sure what to say, but i think when any fan makes a fansite, they put alot of effort in it! So what they cant regularly update or anything, its the thought that counts!
Nobody has free time, they have life of their own, but thn again eeveryone has the right to comment! I personally feel, that saying that such fans give nightmare is wrong! Good site or bad site, thats a complete different story, but effort has been put in any site! No one is a web designer they just try and do what they can and show appreciation for the band they like! And i dont think there is anything wrong with the site!
n4noaman Posted - 05 December 2004 : 3:58:15 PM
Originally posted by owaisahmad

well i dont think its THAT horrible, i mean noorifanatix also had a red n black color theme ... anyway

i think there is a proper way of using colors even if u r using horrible colors. well u know more then me thats why no comments.
owaisahmad Posted - 05 December 2004 : 3:27:07 PM
well i dont think its THAT horrible, i mean noorifanatix also had a red n black color theme ... anyway
Minhas Posted - 05 December 2004 : 3:24:29 PM
soo ultimately true!!!

atleast thats a record

even if quite disgustinng

thanks everyone for your kind comments!
shoki Posted - 05 December 2004 : 12:23:17 AM
gomzee Posted - 04 December 2004 : 9:49:53 PM

so true... // official forum © 2002-03 nooriarts. All rights reserved.
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