noori vBlog #13 uploaded

As we promised we are back with another vblog! It is extremely important to us to stay in touch with all of you and that is why you can be confident that many more vblogs are going to be coming out (with exclusive sneak peeks).
We were hasty earlier to say that we’ll be launching the album when in all honesty that wasn’t possible. And in this blog we show you exactly why the delay took place i.e. the condition of our studio.

Also we felt the need to talk about the randomly discovered noori Wikipedia page. You can’t always believe what you read on the net!!

Because, so many of you have shown us how talented you are by sending us your work. We are now going to put up your stuff in our studio entrance. So that every time we enter to record we are reminded who we do all this for – that would be our fans. Thank you. Enjoy the video and give us feedback.

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